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YOUNG JIMMY talks guitar obsession and writing lyrics in the bathtub

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Hailing from the Bronx in NYC and as seen in CLASH & Wordplay Magazine, Young Jimmy is an alternative rock artist and “Hood Rocker”. Having released a re-envisioned rendition of Nirvana's 1991 grunge anthem ‘Come As You Are’ earlier last month, the protagonist of the 'HOOD ROCK' genre is no stranger to experimentation.

YOUNG JIMMY sat down with No Lip Service following the release of his latest track; speaking on his creative process, places from which he draws inspiration and how he defines success. Giving us a much anticipated insight into his headspace, join us for a chat with the rising 'hood rocker'.

How did you all come to realise that music was the path for you?

By the time I was in high school - I think it was my junior year - I had made my mind up that I was going to pursue music. I carried my guitar to school every day like a book bag, in both my junior and senior years. Mind you, I went to an art high school in Manhattan with other weird artists similar to me. I majored in film media and by senior year had studied and tried out all forms of visual art, film media and graphic design. The latter is another passion I still enjoy till this day. I edit all YOUNG JIMMY music videos and design all cover artwork.

What is your favourite time of day to create?

There's no specific time to create music, sometimes I wake up suddenly with the skeleton of a great song I've dreamt up and hurry up to record it on my phone or type out the lyrics.

Where do you seek inspiration?

I don't seek inspiration, if it happens it happens. Sometimes it comes from hearing a great song or watching a live performance. Sometimes it comes from no where and just hits me. I for the most part inspire myself.

What’s the most weird and wonderful thing about your creative process?

When I was writing my debut studio album in 2019, I wrote half of those songs in the bath tub with a candle light in the dark. Is that weird?

As you champion your NYC roots, do you find your background influences your output in any unexpected ways?

Yes, New York definitely influences my voice and my accent as well as some of the lingo and topics I sing about. It just comes out unexpectedly, I think environment influences the work of all artists. Country music sounds like you're in the country, Nas sounds like Queens Bridge and so on and so forth.

If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

It would be London, they love me out there.

If you had to sacrifice one skill, which would you least like to let go, and why?

Being a Guitarist. As a recording artist and musician, it all started with the guitar for me. I would not be doing any form of music if it wasn't for the guitar.

How do you define success as an artist?

Creating the music that you want, giving it your all in terms of quality and creating good music that other people can relate to on a personal level. Then comes travelling the globe and making a liveable income doing it. That to me is success.

How do you see your sound evolving in the next couple of years?

My sound... I want to invest in a few new guitar pedals and a new guitar I've had my eye on. I've decided I'm not producing any more trap songs in the future so that's one change, I may sample more classic rock songs. I would like to form a new band and just keep building on the whole 'HOOD ROCK' aesthetic and sound. Lets see what the future will reveal.

'Come As You Are' is now available to stream. Check it out below:

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